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What is it about Glee? (or, Song and Dance)

December 1, 2010

On Tuesday nights when DH is out of town, I watch Glee.  I always miss 10-15 minutes of it in the middle because LM’s bedtime is usually between 7:15 and 7:30 and she comes first.  Besides, I can always watch the musical numbers on the Facebook site.  But we talked about the show at a play date briefly today, and I was trying to pin down why I find the show appealing.

Glee is totally unrealistic, but I think that is half the appeal.  Who out there watched Saved By The Bell?  High school was nothing like that, but I think we all secretly wished it was.  Glee is the same way.  I’d love to live in a world where groups of people broke into song spontaneously, in four part harmony and complete with choreography.  The singing and dancing are the other part of the appeal.  As “geeky” as singing and dancing may be, they have universal appeal (American Idol and DWTS, anyone?).

So combine fun, imaginary high school with super contemporary musical numbers and you get Glee.  My guilty pleasure.  Yay.

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  1. Greta permalink
    December 16, 2010 7:32 pm

    I love Glee! I don’t even feel guilty about liking it anymore.

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